Katie Belle Music

Meet The Artist

Katie Belle

Born and raised in Ottawa, Illinois, Katie Belle grew up on the junction of the Fox and Illinois Rivers listening to equal parts classic country music and 80’s punk rock. At eighteen she moved to Chicago and began writing music that spanned the divide between these two genres. From the frenetic folk of Ticklepenny to the cowpunk drive of The Belle Rangers, she left her mark on the Chicago music scene with her trademark earthy vocals and narrative songwriting style. 


Katie Belle’s newest act “DuffelBelle” draws from the beginning of her musical venture with DuffelBag Joe. The two weave through music the way only two people who have been together for years can do.

The Belle Rangers

In the middle of the middle of the Midwest – way, way, way under the radar – lives a merry band of bohemians who fancy themselves The Belle Rangers. They are led by a bedazzled and feathered crone, who conned them all into giving up their gig money to further their “art,” despite it being a doomed financial venture. You may find them around the dining room table under a dusty, green chandelier, over-indulging in rich, home-cooked meals and cheap red wine. Perhaps you’ll find them crammed into the corner of a foul-smelling dive bar, baring their souls to hordes of over-served patrons. The next morning, while huddling over their instruments with steaming mugs of coffee, they’ll wrack their hangover-addled brains to write yet another song to toss into the abyss. Why do they do it? It’s more likely for love than money, and it’s the best thing they have to offer. So, whether you happen to stumble upon them in the nether reaches of the internet, or in your neighborhood bar, The Belle Rangers hope their humble offerings bring you great pleasure.

  1. Wrong Mask The Belle Rangers 4:48
  2. Tears of the Moon The Belle Rangers 3:35
  3. Too Late Now The Belle Rangers 4:39
  1. ROSE HIPS DuffelBelle 3:40

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Upcoming Schedule


April 2025

DuffelBelle & Arter – CatsEye

 7:00pm – 10:00pm

724 La Salle St, Ottawa, IL


July 2025

DuffelBelle & Arter – CatsEye

 7:00pm – 10:00pm

724 La Salle St, Ottawa, IL


July 2025

DuffelBelle & Arter – Roberts Family Farm

 5:30pm – 8:30pm

905 S County Line Rd, Sandwich, IL